There's still a slim chance that he may become Prime Minister. 他仍然有一丝希望当上首相。
Junior staff have only a slim chance of getting tenure. 初级职员得到终身职位的机会十分渺茫。
Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance 亲爱的斯林,你始终没有回电或回信,希望这不过是一个巧合
But allowed to roam free, BBM could possibly survive as a separate entity& a slim chance, but a chance nonetheless. 但如果让其自由发展,BBM或许能够以一个独立实体的形式存活下来&虽然机会很小,但总算还有希望。
Market pricing shows a slim 10% chance of the RBA cutting rates. 市场定价显示,澳大利亚央行降息的几率并不大,仅为10%。
Slender wages; a slim chance of winning; a small surplus. 微薄的工资;微渺的获胜机会;微薄的赢余。
Our chances of winning are slim, we have only the slimmest chance. 我们获胜的机会渺茫,仅有微乎其微的机会。
It is more likely to confirm a patchy rule of law and highlight the slim chance of doing business fairly in such an environment. 这种做法更像证实了一种杂凑的法治,并凸现在这种环境中公正地从事经营的机会微茫。
They've only a slim chance of winning. 他们获得成功的机会微乎其微。
If you have even a slim chance with this woman, there is some benefit from letting the other referee call the foul. 哪怕你与这位女士只有一点微弱的发展机会,那么把犯规哨留给另一位裁判都是有好处的。
People who focus on failures of selling or take them too personally have a slim chance to make it to the top. 注重销售失败或太看重自己的人少有机会达到顶端。
Her slim chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow donor. 她微弱的生存机会取决于找到合适的骨髓捐献者。
South and North China will continue experiencing unusually high temperatures until Wednesday, with a slim chance of rain in most parts, the national weather forecaster said on Sunday. 周日国家气象预报说中国南北方星期三之前都将持续高温,大部分地区降雨机会渺茫。
She has a good chance/ no chance/ not much chance/ only a slim chance of winning. 她大有希望[没有可能/没什麽希望/只有些微的可能]获胜。
There's also a slim but real chance you could fall victim to a predator who's deliberately luring you into a vulnerable position, gathering information that can be used to control or victimize you. 还有一个很小却真实的可能性就是你可能成为一位蓄意引诱你进入一个脆弱位置的猎食者的受害人,来获得可能用于控制你或使受害人化的信息。
There was now only a slim chance of escape. 此时逃脱的机会极小。
Apart from the slim chance that the Bancrofts would put tradition and principle before money, the biggest risk to Mr Murdoch was that another buyer, more acceptable to the family, would appear. 除了Bancroft家族有些许可能会更看中传统和原则而不是钱财,默多克先生所面临的最大风险就是会有其他更被该家族看好的买家出现。
Put it this way, we have slim chance of getting the licence in time. 另外一个说法是,我们及时取得牌照的机会很微。
Even a slim chance is worth taking. 即使机会不高,也值得一拼。
Whereas the cultural school of translation studies may cause a confusing disciplinary boundary and a slim chance of becoming an independent discipline due to its too close relationship with relevant disciplines. 而文化翻译研究由于与其他学科的紧密联系,使得翻译研究作为一门学科的学科边界变得模糊,从而使其失去了成为一门独立学科的可能性。